Monday, July 13, 2009



Every individual has his own story or biography to tell. Each story is different than others. My story differs from the other person, other person’s story differ from another person and so on. Religion, language or dress may be different and so may the problems but one thing is common and that is soul power. Every human soul on earth has powers in itself but is not able to identify it or is not aware as to how to use it. Problems may be big or small but everyone has to solve the problems by themselves by using their intellect or in other words by identifying their own powers. To identify powers, one must have a certain knowledge i.e. Raj Vidya or Raj Yog which is available only at Praja Pita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya.

Problems may be of any type but each one can solve their own problems because they are themselves the creators of their problem and can solve or destroy these problems by using their inner ability to recognize it.

First of all it is to be understood as to what these problems are and how to find a solution. This write up is for everyone who is not only physically but mentally disturbed. Mental disturbance is the biggest disturbance and is permanent whereas physical problem is temporary (which comes and goes with the passage of time). Time is a good healer of your problems but then in that process you tend to loose lot of precious time of your precious life and at the end you are left with nothing but to brood over it.

Solving any problem requires self-change

We must understand that we are the creators of our own problems. We create problems by thinking negative or bad and even at times ignore it. To be positive or to keep positive thoughts we need to keep a watch on our thoughts. Do not let bad thoughts pollute your mind. Keep away from even the smallest bad thought like jealous or procrastination. The more positive attitude you have the lesser are the problems in life. So to have a solid positive attitude one must attain RAJ VIDHYA OR RAJ YOG. This Raj Vidhya or Rajyog is luckily available only at Praja Pita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya. You may travel world around but you cannot find this knowledge (RAJ VIDHYA OR RAJYOG) except the centers of Brahma Kumaris world over.

RAJ VIDHYA : Re-engineering your thoughts or say life. Put your thoughts to constructive mode and attain the knowledge being imparted at Brahma Kumaris. A star will be born within you. And you shall be a different personality altogether.

RAJ YOG : The word YOG means communion (addition) or say connecting soul with the Supreme Soul. This yog has nothing to do with physical exercise because with physical exercise we cannot connect ourselves to God.

It takes time to practice Raj Vidhya or Raj Yog.

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